Our Sponsors
We couldn’t do this without you! We can only help students in West Michigan because we’re surrounded by so many awesome people who have a heart for kids.
Taylor True Value Rental of Holland, MI
James Klingenberg
The donation of truck, driver, and time is a very special and true gift for us!
Thank you, Taylor True Value Rental of Holland, MI!
Donation Update:
A Big thank you to Christopher Wiley, DDS, 3463 Blue Star Highway, Saugatuck, MI 49453-9400.
He has generously donated toothbrushes for the past 4 years! Thanks, Dr Wiley for your continued support for the kids in West Michigan!
$30,000 +
Daniel J Reid Foundation, David Cofield Trustee
Julie and Kirk Cousins Foundation
$10,000 - $30,000
Lori and Keith Hayward
Lakeshore Women Who Care (LWWC)
Susan Reck
West Shore Aware
$2,500 - $10,000
Our Partners
They say it takes a village. In our case, that’s true! We couldn’t do our work without our partners who assist with our food supply. So here’s to you, partners! Thanks for standing with us.
Community Church of Douglas
Community Church of Douglas helps by procuring and packing food for CFL. Find more at ccofdouglas.org
christian neighbors of douglas
Christian Neighbors of Douglas works side-by-side with us to give food and necessary services to families of Allegan County impacted by hunger. Find more at christianneighborsdouglas.org
hungry for christ
Hungry For Christ helps us by providing food to CFL and CCD to supplement our food sources. Find more at hungryforchrist.org
Feeding America - Grand Rapids
Feeding America provides food to CFL and CCD to supplement our food sources. Find more at feedwm.org
Feb 2023 — We got some great news from Feeding America! Read it here.
Your support matters
This wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our donors like you! Children are currently receiving meals at Douglas Elementary School, Fennville Middle and High School, Innoacademy Allegan in Fennville and Saugatuck Middle and High School .
Will you help us?
Want to make your donation stretch?
Want to make your donation stretch? Many employers have a matching gift program and will match most charitable contributions made by their employees (some companies even match gifts by spouses and retirees). Check to see if your generous gift might qualify for a matching gift from your employer!
You can also send checks to:
Children First Lakeshore
PO Box 980
Douglas, MI 49406
Have a question? Let us know at info@childrenfirstlakeshore.org.